Minutes of the 2025 AGM
Minutes of the 2025 AGM
The Winter Meeting and AGM at Worplesdon was extremely well attended, with a record field of 56 golfers. Congratulations to Matthew Sheppard. who managed an incredible score of 44 points over the 17 holes which were open for play - for a full report please click here.
After presenting the prizes for the Winter Meeting, Royds Trophy, Royds Plate and Scorange, Captain Jon Davie called the AGM to order.
Apologies were received from Andy Byrd and Tim Brown.
The captain delivered a review of the 2024/5 season, and thanked the committee for their support during what has been a very successful season for the society. In particular he thanked Jim Bridgen for his work leading membership applications over a number of years, and Dan Smith for taking on this responsibility as Jim is stepping down from the committee. The captain also noted the work that Mark Young and Steve Henderson put in organising the Royds Trophy and Royds Plate respectively.
He thanked the membership for supporting his chosen charity Hopsiscare, and confirmed that donations worth £1,550 had been made to support their work.
He then proposed Niel Bornman as 2024 captain, and the appointment was approved by the membership.
The new captain addressed the meeting and asked the membership to confirm the appointment of Philip Hunt as vice captain and Andy Byrd as Chairman. Both appointments were approved, as was the re-election of the committee.
The captain then talked through the 2025 fixture list, and canvassed the membership on options for a 2025 tour. A vote for Prince’s versus an overseas tour to Portugal was inconclusive.
There were no further agenda points and the meeting was closed.